Have you ever thought about how your finances fit in with your overall well-being? Or perhaps why making, managing, and spending money can take such a toll on you, your body, and your mental health?

Financial health is an integral component of holistic health. We know that poor physical health causes emotional distress. We know that chronic stress causes physical sickness and disease. We also know that money is often the number one cause of stress. Money causes stress, and stress causes disease. The relationships between these aspects of our lives are interwoven and financial health needs as much attention and care as emotional and physical health. 

  • Why is there such a stigma around money? Why can’t we speak candidly about it? Why can’t we address cultural expectations around money that are damaging? I think we can! As a society, we can’t afford to keep on with the money status quo. We have to speak up, break patterns, and change the way we talk about and relate to money. I am here to do that. 

    Financial therapy is a tool used to help you look at your foundational experiences with money, identify financial wounds and trauma, and look for patterns in your money-related behaviors. Doing this root work (or writing your money story) is necessary in order to create a restorative path towards financial health. 

    Money-related trauma, stress, shame, and fear create not only mental anguish, but also destructive behavior. Through conversation and tools designed to help you to identify multigenerational family patterns, dysfunctional money habits, and self-limiting beliefs, we will normalize your struggle, create emotional support, and find relief for your financial stress by uncovering why your stress is there in the first place. By unlocking your why, I can help guide you onto a path of logical monetary decisions so you are better equipped to tackle any financial issues you might face and ultimately live a life of ease and abundance. 

Individual Sessions

I offer one-time individual sessions for current or past clients who need support with a particular experience or decision.

Packaged Sessions

In order to dive deeper into your money story, I find it best to commit time to unearthing the roots of your financial stress or pain. Packaged sessions give us the time needed to create a plan towards financial healing.

Couple/partner session packages are offered to any couple (romantic, family, or business) whose finances are intertwined. This package will be split between individual and joint sessions to work though any stressors, differences, or hopes and dreams. This service is recommended not only for existing commingled relationships, but also for any persons considering partnering in a way that their finances will be joined.

I have adjusted the way that I am working with clients to a financial therapy informed coaching model and am currently taking applications for new clients. Click here to learn more!

Former clients: please contact me at hello@celiarobertshughes.com to request an individual session!